For fans of citrus fruits is the Bananenkostüm just right. Das einteilige Kostüm hat etwa Körpergröße, und dank der leuchtend-gelben Farbe ist es auch von weitem schon zu erkennen. Dieses Kostüm eignet sich auch hervorragend als Gruppenkostüm: So kann man als große gelbe „Bananenstaude“ Partys und Karneval unsicher machen, and simultaneously decreases the likelihood that you will lose the other bananas from the eyes. Not for nothing is yellow signal color.
Das Bananenkostüm itself is relatively simple: You simply slips in, and then his face and arms and legs stuck through the openings. Thanks to this you get even in tropical climates some air supply to the body, which is in the costume.
Whoever raises the question, what to wear to match the costume (as Faschingskostüm or the next fancy dress party), the one can give the following tips:
Either one chooses the classical variant, and adapts the color costume; That is either black, brown or yellow pants and shell (but honestly, who already owns a yellow trousers?) In addition, you can make-up face yellow.
Or you can choose something more daring method and rises naked in the costume. This option is chosen best then, when it should be hot in the evening, and the banana will as soon as possible to drop the cases. Also paasend as a partner with the costume Gorilla!
A Tip for Carnival:
How about, Just looking to distribute mini bananas instead knocker? On the one hand stands out as by partygoer, on the other hand you collect so when hungry passers-by and can drive as good conscience with his costume home.
Where we're on the subject: Fits plus there's the one Gorillakostüm. Thus, one can make with his consort as a monkey and banana the next party uncertain.