Jigsaw Maske

Splatter in its purest form is the meanwhile 7 part horror series about psychopaths Jigsaw and his brutal games with select him fringes of society. Drug addict, corrupt cops and criminals, who came to court even with a slap on the wrist, must face his inhumane and self-defeating games, always with the hope of survival. With this costume you become the horror any fancy dress party, schockst to Halloween and begeisterst each jecke carnival session.

Jigsaws Maske

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Jigsaw appear as a video or takes on the tricycle as a ventriloquist's dummy approached, always anonymous message for his next victim in the luggage and through this mask with black hair. Hide thou also behind crimson eyes, salient reddened cheekbones and an indescribably evil grin.


The suit Jigsaws

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As a contrast to mask and Fly wearing an elegant Jigsaw black suit, the accompanied his uncanny one more time.


Jigsaws fly

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In addition to the mask, allowed the psychopathic clown the red bow tie not be missed.


The DrEIARD of Horrors

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The last, the get to see the victims usually Jigsaws, is the ventriloquist's dummy on the tricycle. Travel also you befitting tricycle through the ranks of your sacrifices to costume- and Carnival parties or pick up at the Halloween party the right of way.


By bigi