The Walking Dead Daryl Dixon

He is the secret fan favorite the zombie cult series The Walking Dead, die im Oktober endlich in die 6te Staffel gestartet ist: Daryl Dixon! Als einer der wenigen, schafft er es abgeschotteter Einzelgänger immer wieder die härtesten Zombieattacken zu überleben. Zu verdanken hat er dies nicht nur seinen Mitprotagonisten wie Carl, Hershel oder seinem Bruder Merle, but his Shooting arts with the crossbow!
So proud Southern Redneck is easy to create his casual outfit, the animal fur may not be missing but. Unmistakable with his long hair and Lederjacke mit Engelsflügeln, is a Daryl Dixon Kostüm the insider tip for Halloween or on the next Zombie Party!

Daryl Dixon Armbrust

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With the crossbow going Daryl to like no other. Not nu for silent killing of one or other undead this weapon is used, but also to impose the lunch. One wonders though regularly where all his arrows come, with this crossbow Amazon's us, at least not soon out of ammunition.


Leather vest with angel wings

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A garment with cult factor: Daryl's leather vest with the white angel flights. Meanwhile, there is this model also obline to buy, a must for any authentic The Walking Dead costume.


Outdoor colors for the face

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Depending ready to be hinbekommt Makeup, the more one removed that you have just survived the total Zombiee-Apokalype. This zombie makeup in the style “dirt” 😀 solte das kein Problem werden.


squirrels game shot

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Those without proper zombie shrunken head in Hand, takes less nasty booty: This material Squirrel looks via drive out with the right arguments can be sold as it imposes but! If you have a 4 can call beiner his companion, kann dieser die Beute freundlicherweise gleich tragen.


Der Rest der Daryl Dixon Verkleidung ist schnell erklärt: As befits a true American, wearing Daryl Blue Jeans, most distressed. Under the leather vest you wear a classic lumberjack shirt or T-shirt.