Mary Poppins

Mary Poppins is Roman- und Filmheldin, Nanny to the time of King Edwars VII in England with singing and magic skills. The likeable heroine was the model for our costume, the girls and women returned to long-forgotten times. Change yourself into the fairytale fantasy Nanny full, which teaches the children lovingly, that bitter medicine on a teaspoon of sugar a lot better slips and your imagination can be used, to give to the life, what really, is really important: family cohesion and mercy.

The Mary Poppins costume set

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Our supercalifragilisticexpialigetischem costume set you're the most magical Nanny, the most endearing nanny at any carnival- or fancy dress party. As is usual in times of King Edward, you wear very modest a calf-length skirt with a blue uniform jacket. Completing the panel with a stylish collar velvet ribbons and the typical British blue Damenhut. But what would Mary Poppins without a wink, without a playful accessory, additionally attracts admiring glances and makes the nanny a magical beings. The funny colored detail in the form of an umbrella handle enclosure in parrot-Optics makes to each party for attention and special attention.


Mary Poppins Spitzenhandschuhen

Intricate white lace gloves, which stand out from the otherwise very lady liken look of Mary Poppins, give you and your costume extra magical elegance.




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