sexy Playboyboykostüm

Sexy, attractive, erotic, verrucht: These are probably the first terms, the one with a Playboy Bunny Shoot in the head.
Originally it was a was a Bunny a waitress in a Playboy Club, which were opened in the '60s in the US. But since Hugh Hefner at the latest, any anything with the Bunny.
No wonder so, that sinces Playboy Bunny Kostüm enjoys great popularity in recent years. Who would not be sexy and sweet and let's hearts beat faster? For a dyed in the wool Bunny knows, how she uses and presents her body.

Everyone has a clear picture in your head, like a typical Playboy Bunny looks. here the Parts for perfect Playboy Bunny Costume: A dark Fishnet tights, which is usually black, is just as important as the course Puschelschwanz and a Fly. To make all possible sexy, then missing only one: A black Body, of bringing the legs and breasts to advantage. The nuts and bolts of a Playboy Bunny, of course,, as the name suggests, die Hasenohren.


Fishnet tights

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Wonderful legs conjures a mesh net tights. In Diamond Look promise sensual legs and accentuate the figure. For a sexy and elegant appearance, the optimal accessory of each Bunnys:


ears, Puschelschwanz and Fly

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of course an absolute must in Bunny, the Hasenohren. A small but important accessory is the small, white Puschelschwanz and a small fly, which can be mounted above the bodys:


Schwarzer Body

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A black body laminated and defines the body thus optimally. Together with a black bow tie and white pompom and the coming of Body to their best advantage.

To perfect the costume, suitable black high heels, best in black finish. This fits perfectly the body and also the ears. They also make the legs look longer and therefore put a sexy picture.
A real Bunny stays there, where the party is really to swing. So purely in the hubbub and experienced unforgettable moments as the perfect Bunny!